This winter our kids stayed very active by participating in many different sports team and lessons after school. Madilyn enjoyed cheer, tennis, golf and soccer. Aiden participated in tennis, golf, soccer and flag football.
Wednesdays for the kids are early release days at the school. So, after school, the kids walk or bike ride over to Moon Valley Country Club (MVCC) for their tennis and golf lessons. Madilyn has been taking tennis lessons for awhile, but Aiden decided he wanted to join in the fun. From what we hear from the tennis coach, they are doing pretty well and can volley back an forth with him for a bit. We have also heard that Aiden may be a little competitive and likes to "crush" the ball. As the kids have lessons pretty early in the work day, I haven't ever been able to capture any photos of them playing. Maybe someday...
The kids' golf lessons are after tennis. They just walk over to the driving range. They are less excited about golf, but are taking them since the time slot worked, their friends are taking lessons, too, and it gives them something to do on Wednesday afternoon. Plus, as we told the kids, golf is one of the sports that someone should know how to play. Hopefully, if they continue to take lessons, this will give us an excuse to play it as a family.
CHEER! What can I say? My daughter absolutely *loves* being a cheerleader. She is excited every Monday to go to cheer practice. She talks incessantly about being a flyer or a base. All new terminology that I had to research never being a cheerleader myself. In January, Madilyn received her "pink" pom-pom as was promoted to the Jr. All Stars team. She was over the moon!
In January, our kids started their fifth year of playing soccer under the tutelage of Coach Pete. It is so amazing to see how much the kids have grown in skill and developmentally over the past five years. Madilyn even decided to return to the field after being asked by Coach Pete to re-enlist. This season, both of my kids, tried their turn in the goalie box. Aiden thought he liked this position because he wouldn't have to run much, but quickly learned that he was then bored. By the end of the season, he seemed to have settled into being one of the strikers or defenders when on the field. Both which are positions that allow him to sprint and feel in the action, but give him some breathers too. Madilyn, on the other hand, realized that she didn't like being goalie after being continuously hit with the ball. She would eventually enjoy playing defender.
As a parent, it was fun to see both of my kids on the field at the same time. Hopefully, they are creating fun memories that they will someday remember with some joy and fondness.
Wednesdays for the kids are early release days at the school. So, after school, the kids walk or bike ride over to Moon Valley Country Club (MVCC) for their tennis and golf lessons. Madilyn has been taking tennis lessons for awhile, but Aiden decided he wanted to join in the fun. From what we hear from the tennis coach, they are doing pretty well and can volley back an forth with him for a bit. We have also heard that Aiden may be a little competitive and likes to "crush" the ball. As the kids have lessons pretty early in the work day, I haven't ever been able to capture any photos of them playing. Maybe someday...
The kids' golf lessons are after tennis. They just walk over to the driving range. They are less excited about golf, but are taking them since the time slot worked, their friends are taking lessons, too, and it gives them something to do on Wednesday afternoon. Plus, as we told the kids, golf is one of the sports that someone should know how to play. Hopefully, if they continue to take lessons, this will give us an excuse to play it as a family.
Madi on the driving range
CHEER! What can I say? My daughter absolutely *loves* being a cheerleader. She is excited every Monday to go to cheer practice. She talks incessantly about being a flyer or a base. All new terminology that I had to research never being a cheerleader myself. In January, Madilyn received her "pink" pom-pom as was promoted to the Jr. All Stars team. She was over the moon!
Madi with her Pink Pom-Pom
Practicing her jumps
In January, our kids started their fifth year of playing soccer under the tutelage of Coach Pete. It is so amazing to see how much the kids have grown in skill and developmentally over the past five years. Madilyn even decided to return to the field after being asked by Coach Pete to re-enlist. This season, both of my kids, tried their turn in the goalie box. Aiden thought he liked this position because he wouldn't have to run much, but quickly learned that he was then bored. By the end of the season, he seemed to have settled into being one of the strikers or defenders when on the field. Both which are positions that allow him to sprint and feel in the action, but give him some breathers too. Madilyn, on the other hand, realized that she didn't like being goalie after being continuously hit with the ball. She would eventually enjoy playing defender.
As a parent, it was fun to see both of my kids on the field at the same time. Hopefully, they are creating fun memories that they will someday remember with some joy and fondness.
Madi and Aiden on their first game day together, again.
Madi in the goal
Coach Pete walking Madi off the field after being hit with the ball
Aiden in the action
Last game of the season
Grey Wolves Team Picture
Game Footage
Aiden's solo sport this winter was flag football. We found a league very close to our house at the Christ Church of the Valley (CCV) campus. He had been asking to play for awhile, so we finally agreed to allow him to play. Honestly, we just didn't think that he would enjoy it. Boy, we were wrong. He was so excited to go to practice and never complained. At his first game, Josh and I were so shocked. He ran around the field with such joy and enthusiasm. He listened intent-fully to his coach. He was really into the entire game. It was like he was a completely different kid than we have ever seen on a sport field. It really was delight to watch. Sadly, his entire season was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He was super bummed. It would have been fun to watch him this season play a sport that he thoroughly enjoyed.
Aiden's first flag football game
On the field
In a huddle with the coach