Madilyn enjoyed swim team so much this past summer that she wanted to swim year round. So, we found a swim club (Swim Neptune) that practiced at near us and Madilyn has been swimming every week since. The determination in this little lady amazes me. She has never once said, "Mommy, do I have to go?" In fact, she most happily puts on her swim suit, cap and googles to practice three times a week.
In September, Madilyn had her first and second club swim meets. She did really well. She finished with two second place ribbons and a third place ribbon in the first meet. And a second, third and fourth place ribbon in Meet #2. Her favorite stroke is the butterfly. Watching her swim, makes my heart so happy, not just because she is swimming like I did, but because she truly loves it.
Ready for the swim meet...
Ready to warm-up
Focused and poised to swim...
All of her ribbons...Meet #1 and Meet #2
25 Yard Freestyle Swim -- Finishing Time 31.44