Like many birthdays in 2020, we celebrated Aiden's as best we could. Aiden's one birthday wish was to play video games with his friends and we were able to make this happen both in person and virtually.
On the Saturday before his birthday, we invited over a couple of his friends during the day for a video game and swimming party. His special in-person celebration concluded at the Langhofer's home with homemade cookie ice cream sandwiches and video game decorations. It made him feel very special.
On Sunday, Aiden spent the entire day playing Minecraft and Roblox with many of his other friends virtually. It amazes me how long they can play with each other online just chatting and building in their creative worlds. And yet, he didn't stop playing for most of the day. My parents came over Sunday night for dinner, cards and cake. Not a bad birthday weekend.
And then on Tuesday, Aiden turned nine. I know this is cliché, but I cannot believe how fast my children are growing up. HIs last single digit birthday. No way! In so many ways Aiden is becoming more mature, but there are brief moments when he will grab my hand or want a quick hug or kiss goodnight. I will embrace those moments for now.
Aiden, at nine, is so many things. He is funny, sensitive, strong-willed, independent, resilient, self-centered, ambitious, self-correcting, moody, frank, intense, angry, happy, sad, sweet and kind. Kids are full of so many emotions at one time. You never know the kid you are going to get on a given day.
He is a lover of video games. Minecraft and Roblox are his favorites. He is also a big fan of watching YouTube, especially the show Preston Plays. At times, his dad and I think he may have a digital addition. No, really!
Aiden is still a very active kid. He enjoys flag football, soccer, basketball and tennis. He doesn't enjoy golf as much, but we told him it was a sport that he needed to learn how to play, so he is. He swam this summer with his sister at Swim Neptune. And he has been known to throw some cornhole bean bags with the family.
He is also very inquisitive and curious. He enjoys asking thought provoking questions. One of his favorite ways to get you to think is to ask you "Would you rather..." type of questions. We have had some very interesting dinner conversation initiated by him.
Aiden is a good student. He enjoys school, learning and has started to enjoy reading, thankfully, to the book, "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh." He also has an incredible memory. It amazes me the conversations and lessons he can recall when necessary.
Unlike when he was littler, he is kind of a picky eater. He doesn't eat chocolate, except if it is a Kit Kat or some other candy bar he likes. He doesn't like cooked carrots, but raw ones are just fine. He also will not eat cooked tomatoes, but spaghetti is one of his favorite meals. He loves soda, especially Coke. And donuts and bubbleloaf are his favorite breakfast foods.
Either way, we are so lucky to have such an amazing young person in our lives. Being his mother has made me a better person and challenged me to grow and learn. I am sure the next decade of double-digits will be full of entertainment, adventure and heartache, but at least, I know that he is ambitious enough to join me in the all of the fun. Many hugs and kisses, my little man!