Summer 2020 was an unusual one. It was a summer of cancellations. No fireworks for 4th of July. No Jewish summer camp for the kids. No blockbuster movie releases. No family reunions or gatherings. No swim team or summer sports. And yet, we were able to find so many silver linings.
- We enjoyed swimming in our pool with family and friends.
- Josh constructed a screen in the backyard so that we could watch movies as a family and with friends.
- The kids did enjoy a couple of sleepovers and playdates.
- Family shabbat almost every week.
- A couple of trips to the cabin in Munds Park.
- Morning walks with the dogs.
- Family celebrations for holidays and birthdays.
Pool time with Sydney and Campbell
And Hope and Faith
And Addison and Ben
And with each other
Movies on the Big Screen
Sleepovers/Playdates with Gretchen
Father's Day
Summer Shabbats